Technology paving the way for the new world of 2030
With continuing technological advancements, 2030 will look dramatically different to the world we know today.
We will take a look at the technologies that will make an impact, from the way we interact, to advancing medicine and transforming the environment.
Artificial Intelligence (AI): Machines convince people it is human
Some of the biggest technological advancements currently are in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
By 2030, it is likely that a machine will be able to convince people that it is human engaging with them, rather than a machine.
It is believed a machine will be able to pass the Turing test, where a human engages in a conversation with a machine and asks it numerous questions, if the machine responds with natural nuanced conversations we could think we’re interacting with another human.
Brain interface devices: Actions enabled through thought
By 2030, most Virtual Reality (VR) headsets could include the option for a brain-computer interface to record users' electrical signals, enabling actions by simply thinking about them.
VR screens themselves are also expected to advance, giving realistic images in 8k resolution, which has four times more pixels than a 4k screen.
Both advancements will provide more life-like ways of interacting with virtual characters, objects and environments in the metaverse.
In medicine
Human brain simulations: Curing brain conditions & transferring memories
The growth of information technology makes it possible to form accurate models of every part of the human brain and its intricate network of 100 billion neurons.
This major milestone could resolve most brain-related conditions. It could even use brain computer interfaces to control virtual objects, plus transfer memories from humans to machines, and visa versa.
Artificial brain implants: Restoring lost memories
By 2030, it could become possible to replicate small areas of the brain with artificial brain implants, to repair damage from Alzheimers, strokes or injuries - and even restore lost memories!
These devices can mimic electrochemical signals from regions such as the hippocampus, which plays a crucial role in consolidating information from short-term to long-term memory.
The device would work by efficiently replacing damaged parts of the brain, predicting the intended functions of those areas, and facilitating the transmission of brain signals between areas where there was once a gap.
As the technology advances, artificial brain implants will become more effective at replicating complex brain functions.
3D printed human organs
It is expected that by 2030, 3D printing will be used to construct living, biological systems
with microscopic precision.
Initially the printer heads will construct basic cells and components like blood vessels and tissues, before progressing to have the capability of printing the majority of the 78 different human organs.
Additionally, 3D printing will revolutionise producing clothes by achieving a near-zero cost and eliminating sweatshops with poor working conditions.
Resurrecting extinct animals
Perhaps one of the most groundbreaking advancements is the potential to resurrect extinct animals, including dinosaurs!
There are three different approaches to restoring extinct animals and plants: Cloning, which involves extracting from preserved tissue to create an exact modern copy; Selective breeding, where a closely-related modern species is given characteristics of the extinct relative and Genetic Engineering, where DNA of a modern species is edited until it closely matches the extinct species.
Advancements in these areas will have a massive impact on the ecosystem and the world as we know it.
Removing carbon dioxide with artificial trees
A significant breakthrough for the environment is creating artificial trees with an inbuilt filtering system that is more effective than natural trees at trapping and removing carbon dioxide from the air.
When used in its solid form, the carbon dioxide can be re-used to manufacture products and to make a big difference to air quality, especially in heavily polluted areas.
Mapping the ocean floor
Organisations in France and Japan are working on a project called Seabed 2030, using robots to inspect thousands of feet below the surface, to produce a definitive map of the world ocean floor by 2030.
Once complete, the project can be used to locate shipwrecks, crashed planes and archaeological artefacts, plus survey the ocean floor conditions for telecommunication cables and offshore wind farms.
Advances in tech
Faster internet speed
Within the next decade, there is expected to be big improvements to internet speed, with 1TB terabyte per second being possible. This would mean you could download 142 hours of Netflix in 1 second. 5G is expected to be replaced with a faster and more reliable 6G.
Both of these factors will make it possible for the internet of things (IOT) to connect trillions of objects, from smart devices and sensors to autonomous vehicles and machinery, to seamlessly integrate technology into our everyday lives.
Foldable electronics
Another game changing move is towards ultra-thin foldable electronics. With low fabrication costs, it will be possible to transform bulky and heavy devices, like TVs, or smaller devices like smartphones into foldable devices which can be stored or carried as easily as sheets of paper, or even rolled or hung like posters.
Quantum internet
By 2030, the first version of the Quantum internet could emerge, which uses quantum signals instead of radio waves to send information. This type of internet would be primarily used to send data that can’t be hacked or intercepted using conventional methods
IBM and Google could build quantum computers with 1 million Qubits (the fundamental units of Quantum information), which would revolutionise cyber-security.
The US Department of Energy has already unveiled its blueprint for a national quantum internet, and we may see a prototype for it by 2030.
The Soumac View
Naturally our world is always changing and developing, it will be interesting to see how these advancements shape our not so distant future of 2030.
As ever, there are ethical considerations to be taken into account, especially if technology is used to resurrect extinct animals, or imitate human interaction and make the user think they are interacting with a human. Taking the decision to develop this technology cannot be made lightly.
But advancing technology also brings clear benefits for the worlds of medicine, with human brain simulations being able to cure brain ailments and even using artificial brain implants to restore lost memories. The advancement of 3D printing human organs could address organ transplant shortages and reduce the risk of rejection, enhancing the success of complex operations and reducing the recovery time.
The positive impact on the environment is also clear, with the development of artificial trees that will remove carbon dioxide from the air, combined with more offshore wind farms that will come as a consequence of mapping the ocean floor, will contribute to reduced carbon emissions and improved air quality.
It will be interesting to see how these technologies develop over time and the effect they have on our world as we know it.
About Soumac
At Soumac, we love to see the technological developments being made across all sectors and are always on hand to support businesses with their printed circuit board assembly needs, to help bring their ideas to life.
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